Did you miss our September webinar, or are you looking to watch it again? Tune in today and learn how to utilize mapping tools like GIS and Google Earth to prioritize recreation and conservation initiatives along your river. Laila Johnston of American Rivers led a 30 minute webinar describing how maps can help inform conservation and recreation. She described the different types of mapping tools that are available, and dove deeper into a case study example on the Waccamaw River and how she has gathered and utilized a variety of data sources to help create informative maps for conservation and recreation.
Tune in and learn:
- How to identify, gather, and utilize existing data sources to help create layers for maps including recreation access points, property ownership and conservation opportunities;
- Suggestions on best practices for using GIS and other mapping tools to create maps and planning documents; and
- Additional mapping tools, other than traditional GIS, that are available to prioritize initiatives along your river
Are you looking for other recorded webinars? You can find them here!
Photo Credit: Charles Slate, Waccamaw River