The Washington Post recently featured South Carolina’s Congaree National Park in its travel section, boasting of its towering old growth bottomland hardwood trees, sinuous rivers and paddle trails, and rich cultural history.
American Rivers has worked to protect and restore the Congaree River and the National Park for nearly a decade. Our first blue trail projects are on the Congaree and Wateree Rivers, which converge at Congaree National Park in near Columbia, South Carolina.
The Congaree River Blue Trail is the first water trail designated a National Recreation Trail in South Carolina by the Department of Interior. American Rivers has been instrumental in assuring enhanced stream flows to support boating and habitat for fish and wildlife as part of a new federal licensing for upstream dams.
The Washington Post article is right. There’s much to explore along the Congaree River. Learn more about the Congaree River and plan your own adventure down the river.
Photo Credit: Congaree National Park Cypress, Joe Kegley