There are many great ways to enjoy the Eagle Blue Trail from the bank. ECO Trails was created in 1996 to finance mass transit improvements in Eagle County. Part of this program is the Eagle Valley Trail which is a paved path running from east to west through Eagle County, connecting to spur trails and backcountry trails along the way. Much of the Eagle Valley Trail runs along the Eagle River, providing appropriate access points at strategic locations.
While enjoying the river from its banks, it’s important to understand ways to minimize your footprint and take care of the spaces you love. Riparian habitats along the river corridor are home to many local plants and animals and are very sensitive to human impacts. You can protect these important ecosystems and yourself by following a few simple guidelines for safety and etiquette in the riparian zone.
- Always use appropriate access points to avoid trampling sensitive riparian plants. Appropriate access points are labeled and selected for safe access to the river.
- Use binoculars or other devices to view wildlife from a safe distance. Never approach wildlife, as wild animals are unpredictable and may become dangerous if they feel threatened. Keep wildlife wild – never feed wildlife. Human food can make wildlife sick and create a dangerous situation when wildlife associates humans with food.
- Follow the Leave No Trace 7 Principles to reduce your impact and be good stewards of the land.
- Plan your trip and be prepared with appropriate clothing, food and water. The sun is more intense at high altitudes, be sure to protect your skin and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration
ECO Trails Cycling Rules and Etiquette
Colorado Parks and Wildlife: Trails
Colorado Parks and Wildlife: Learn To Camp
Colorado Parks and Wildlife: Ethical Wildlife Viewing Tips
Colorado Adventure Center Bike Path Etiquette & Rules
Photo Credit: Miller Ranch River Easement and trail, Matt Stern